Monday, August 23, 2010

The Feeder System

It's a Tuesday and I'm riding the train to work while listening to the "B.S. Report with Bill Simmons" as I'm one to do. I love Simmons, which if you've consistently read my blog, you would know. Today, he has on Dave Jacoby, the czar of reality television, and they are discussing a little bit of everything. Eventually they start discussing the current season of The Real World. I perk up. After all, I'd be lying if I said that I don't get good material for the blog from Simmons and Jacoby.

Jacoby made the point that Jemmye was the best prospect for the Challenge. Let me elaborate what I mean by prospect. I have contended, as have Simmons and Jacoby, that the Real World is a feeder system for the Challenge. It is the minor leagues, and the Challenge is the majors. It makes sense. Think of this roster: Tonya, Mike "The Mizz," Coral, Jenn (RW Denver) Johnny "Domestic Violence," Puck, Tyler, C.T. All were above average on their season and TJ Lavined it on the Challenges. When you're watching the Real World, you need to be aware of who would make for good competitors on the Challenge. Because let's face it. Most people on the Real World kind of suck. Sure, when they are one of 7 or 8 people, they will have their moments. But put them with 20 other huge personalities, they get sucked up like cocaine in the 80's.

So I've been looking closely at this season and am ready to give my thoughts on who would make the best Challenge contestant.

1. Jemmye- At first, she was not my #1 choice. But I failed to take into account a huge factor; longevity. Jemmye could last in the game a long time. Here's why. She's clearly a fun girl who probably won't make too many female enemies (unless she has sex with someone and immediately starts throwing drinks at any other girl who talks to her man). Also, she seems reasonably athletic.

Jemmye also has great drunken antic potential. She is a complete mess when drunk and has a lot of emotional baggage that brings awesome freak-outs into play for when the game gets "real." She also isn't above a lesbian angle either. Jemmye has to be the top prospect because she is as much a sure thing as any other cast member, now and in the past. Also, her ceiling of entertainment is extremely high, and she could do fairly well in the competition.

2- Ryan- Simmons and Jacoby completely disagree with me on this one (although they don't know they disagree since they don't know I am even mentioning them). They are of the opinion that Ryan won't last longer than an episode and thus is not a factor in the Challenge. I strongly disagree. I think Ryan in one episode can define the season. Can you pick another person who goes against the current theme of competitors more than Ryan? Can you imagine him and Kenny getting into it? Ryan looks like he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body, which could actually work to his benefit. If the competition allows for it, he may be saved by the opposition because he is a detriment to his own team. Bottom line in Ryan creates more drama than almost any other cast member in Real World history. Throwing him in with a bunch of juiced-up Alpha males is going to get him beaten to a pulp, which many would surely enjoy.

3- Knight is a prototypical Challenge cast member. He's a big midwestern guy who played a sport and is an alpha male. He is good with the ladies but can say some pretty offensive things. Sound a lot like Kenny. Well, he's not going to be Kenny. No one can. Like I've said before, I think he is more like Johnny "Domestic Violence." Both were upper level talents on their season, but not outright stars. Both weren't, at the time, insanely jack, but had similar builds. Both were assholes, bordering on abusive. Johnny crossed over on the Challenges, and there is no reason to think Knight won't follow. I think he has great upside, but is not a guarantee. He needs to keep practicing and maintain focus, and maybe, just maybe, he'll reach the same heights as Johnny "Domestic Violence."

4- McKenzie- Anytime you have a hot girl, she has enormous potential. Add in black out drunk and magic happens. McKenzie may not wind up being the greatest Challenge cast member, but she will a pretty high floor. My guess is she at least another Casey; super cute girl with no athletic ability but stays on the show long enough to get drunk and have an innocent hook up. It really is sad that this girl's innocence will be taken by Kenny or Johnny or, god forbid but likely, Wes. I think her ceiling is hooking up with another guy's man while drunk and making many enemies in the process. I'm intrigued.

5-Preston- Plusses: He is an outgoing, flamboyant gay guy. He causes a lot of drama. He can be packaged with Ryan as a dynamic duo of gay/closeted gay. Minuses: He does not seem to have any athletic value to any team. Skinny gay guys tend not to do well in Challenges and get overshadowed. Verdict: Preston does one Challenge and gets eliminated the first or second episode, never to be seen again.

6. Sahar/Eric- Here's the only thing about Sahar and Eric: they both seem athletic enough to advance into the middle of the show. If this purely based on athletic ability, then they would be on the Challenge. Unfortunately, they are barely on the Real World. So let's pray they don't get on the show.

8. Ashlee-Athletically she could do really well. And she is annoying enough to cause some friction in the house so she actually has some upside. But god i hate her.

Alright, so a new episode in a couple of days. Let's hope this season keeps up the momentum.

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