Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Power Rankings: Back To New Orleans Week 5

So the plan was to have this post up last night. Then my cat walked on my laptop and somehow managed to turn the computer off. When I went to restart it, it wouldn't boot. Only the following morning did I realize the battery died because I plugged in the wrong adapter. My bad everyone.

I think we're on week 5. Oh well. This past week saw Jemmy get the cold shoulder from her basketball playing ex-boyfriend and a temporary cessation in hostilities in the Gay/Gay? war of 2010...for now! And apparently other people were in the house too. On to the Power Rankings!!

1. Ryan- Here's what I love about Ryan. He makes amends with Preston for the second time this season and 5 minutes later blatantly admits he faked his truce. He still hates Preston and it is most definitely still on. Other than that, a bit of a down episode for Ryan. Not enough to knock him off the pedestal.

2. Jemmye- Jemmye really shined this episode. She clearly wants a relationship with Knight, or she is just ridiculously picky about the white guys she has sex with. But then she gets mixed signals and goes to see her kinda boyfriend, a 6' 6 basketball player. If I'm Knight, I'm legitimately afraid that I won't measure up to her ex. Maybe that's why he was trying to get with other girls, kind of like a preventive strike. So Jemmye goes to her ex's game, and is surprised to find 20 of his relatives also there, and none too happy about seeing her. Now, the socially conscious person inside of me thinks they might not like the fact that the ex never told them about a secret white girlfriend. But the cynical side says they didn't appreciate a groupie trying to get with their basketball playing son. Jemmye, next time don't dress like a Vegas cocktail waitress. At the end of the show, it is revealed Jemmye was physically abused in a past relationship (Johnny from Key West?) Knight gets upset and shows that he truly wants to be with Jemmye, thus eliminating all chance for Jemmye to do Jemmye and hook up with the New Orleans Saints offensive line.

3- McKenzie- McKenzie is on a tear, moving all the way up to her highest ranking of the season. She once again gets black out drunk off of a thimble of beer and wanders off with a real sketchy looking dude. (On lesson we can learn from this is guys can be real creepy bastards. Thank God the cameras are there because McKenzie should have been roofied or something. It's funny how in any other circumstance this would be a very very dangerous situation. Black-out drunk pretty girl and sketchy looking meth head guys feeding her shots. But throw in the cameras and now it is great tv because we know nothing truly bad will happen.

* Side note: The award for luckiest guy in New Orleans goes to the out of town surfer guy who kinda hooked up with McKenzie. He also had a history of blacking out and wasn't drinking because of it. This at the exact time McKenzie decides that her blacking out is a problem and she shouldn't drink that night. Any other night and he probably doesn't get with her because she is doing shots with the guys with three teeth. Thus, she is attracted to him because they share a unique problem. Good for that guy. I have a cynical theory that he overheard her talking about her black out problem and he made up the story. Either way, nice one.

4- Knight- First off, let me just say Knight has gone from a dud in the first episode to one of the best characters on the show. He's sneaky funny, seems like a good guy who does the right thing ultimately, and definitely is down for a good time. He is perfect for the Challenge. Bill Simmons and the czar or Reality TV, Dave Jacoby, called him a poor man's Landon. I get the comparison, but I think he is a bit more dickish than Landon. He might wind up being like Vinny, also a nice guy who can do well athletically in the Challenges, but with a larger propensity to hook up with sleazy girls.

The reason why Knight is fourth this week is he is developing a relationship with Jemmye. This is a disaster for sooooooooo many reasons. First off, you are a single guy on the Real World in New Orleans. You literally should be getting with a different girl every night. Yet you decide to only hook up with one girl, who happens to be your roommate. She clearly has some major deep rooted issues, but you ignore this. Second, you are deciding to date a girl who is very, um, let's say promiscuous. This is not the type of girl you marry, so why screw yourself over by committing to her when you should be extremely single. Third, and this is iffy, you potentially screw yourself out of being an interesting cast member. Generally speaking, the roommates who start dating wind up going out much less and isolating themselves from the rest of the house. The show runners decide to focus too much time on their relationship, which gets old after the second episode. Think Ronnie and Sammie from Jersey Shore.

The only possible way this works out for Knight is if the relationship blows up in an incredibly entertaining way (entirely possible with Jemmye) or if he has a threesome (entirely possible with Jemmye).

5-Preston- He really didn't do much this week except make another amends with Ryan. Hey, not everyone can be on every week. Preston has been great this entire season so he is due for an off show. However, next week's episode will clearly jump him up significantly in the rankings.

6- Eric/Sahar- I'm convinced the two of them went on a vacation this week. I don't think they even had any face time in the show. I'm starting to think they are not even good role players anymore. Previously I had said they were perfect role players because they can enliven situations involving other roommates, but now they aren't even doing that. They will either need to hook up or get into a big brawl at a bar. They basically need to be Robert Horry*

* For those who didn't get the reference, Robert Horry was a professional basketball player known for hitting big shots when the game was on the line. Aside from these moments, he didn't really do much in the game. Eric/Sahar can only aspire to be Robert Horry now because they aren't consistently good every week. The only way they can redeem themselves on this season is to do one crazy and outrageous thing so we forget about how mediocre they are during the rest of the season.

8- Ashlee- Truth be told I thought her name was Allison when I started writing. She is that boring. Sometimes I wonder why certain people come on this show. Ironically, Ashlee might be the only one on this show for pure reasons. When the show first started, it was about young people opening themselves up to new views and situations. It was truly about self-discovery and trying something new. Now it's all about becoming famous and getting to live in an awesome house in an awesome city and hook up with not-so-awesome people. By coming on the show for the good reasons, Ashlee has now made herself boring and a non factor. She probably doesn't care that she won't be viewed as interesting. But the people watching sure do.

I keep saying this season has the potential to be one of the best ever. But the thing that could hold the show back is the performance of Eric, Sahar, and Ashlee. It's ok to have one boring person, even two so long as they at least have some good moments. But this season has three duds. I don't think the rest of the cast can sustain my interest the entire season. Someone from these three needs to step up, bottom line. Tonight's episode can very well be the breaking point for the season. Will it go down as the best ever? Or will it be like so many other shattered dreams...of seasons. Seasons can have dreams.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I agree, I haven't heard anything from Ashlee this season. Where'd she go?

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