Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Power Rankings Week 7?

Not sure what week we are up to but it shouldn't matter too much. Before I begin, I have just discovered that VH1 is airing The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 marathon. Could it be that they may also begin airing older seasons? I'm am giddy with excitement, now onto the Power Rankings!

1. Knight- Yeah, that's right. Knight has overtaken Ryan this past week. I was debating if he warranted taking away the top spot from arguably the greatest male cast member in years. I mean, Ryan has been so consistently good throughout the season that it seemed implausible that he could ever be overtaken. But the funny thing about Knight is he has really become the focal point of the show, amazing as that seems. His relationship with Jemmye has become bigger than Ryan's various issues. Ryan may have burned out too soon. After all, where can anyone go from the "toothbrush" episode but down?

Knight has been a consistent second best every episode, slowly creeping up on Ryan, ready to pounce as soon as Ryan slipped. And Ryan slipped just enough last episode while Knight had one of his best episodes. Suddenly, Knight is the #1 guy.

Knight showed himself to be a true asshole, not really a good person at all. The stuff he said to Jemmye, knowing she had been abused by a previous boyfriend, is just ridiculous. He also was really giving it to Sahar, crossing the line when he threw the fact that Sahar's boyfriend cheated on her in her face. The best part of it all was everyone giving him a pass because that's just how he is. He kids around and says offensive things, but that's just Knight being Knight. What a cop out. Knight knows exactly what he says is wrong and something a douchebag says. With all that said, Knight was extremely compelling and thus good for tv. Folks, I cannot stress this enough. We don't watch the show to see people being good human beings. Ryan is an homophobic asshole but he is damn entertaining. Eric is a good guy but dull as fuck.

#2 Ryan- Ryan had very little face time, and the fear is he has already peaked. But even when he has an off episode, he still provides some entertainment. This week, he threw up after daring Knight to eat a bug. It was so good the clip was featured on "The Soup." I think Ryan will eventually regain his #1 spot. hopefully this is a good wake up call for him.

#3 Jemmye- This week we learned Jemmye has some MAJOR issues stemming from her abusive relationship from the past. The way she just took Knight's verbal abuse was scary (Folks, don't worry about Knight not ever facing the consequences of his actions here. I'm willing to bet good money he gets arrested down the line for some crime, and I assure you assholes have a way of getting theirs in prison. Hehe, that was funny on a couple levels). But while Jemmye was certainly entertaining, you just didn't feel good about watching her. It was upsetting, and I've come to expect less from the show than dealing with real serious issues like this. Thank god Knight ate that bug to lighten up the mood.

#4-McKenzie- She illustrates the necessity to separate personal feelings for a cast member from entertaining value. As a person, she sucks. In this week's episode, she came very close to hooking up with Knight, which you do not do to another roommate. But she very well could hook up with him later in the season. If she does, it will make for absolutely phenomenal television. Because the seeds were planted this episode, McKenzie gets the 4 spot.

#5-Sahar- Finally Sahar has a good episode. She was heavily involved in a fight with Knight that showed she had spunk and some character. Then she got into it with Jemmye since Jemmye told Knight that Sahar's kinda-boyfriend slept with someone else. To her credit, Sahar confronted Jemmye about it right away, causing some good drama in the house, albeit short-lived. Methinks this ranking will also be short-lived. Zing!

#6 Preston -Preston didn't do much of anything, which explains the slip to #6. He has been getting on my nerves, personally, and I hope it doesn't affect my ranking of him. But when you don't bring it, it's gonna hurt you.

#7 Eric- I want to put this guy higher. I always envisioned him as another Jacquese, a great role player who could add comedic value to other people's storylines. But Eric has simply been non existent. It's funny to think that he is actually the missing link to this being the greatest season ever, but right now, he is.

#8 Ashlee- Every season, it seems I genuinely hate a cast member. I don't know if I've hated someone as much as her, however. There is something about Ashlee I just can't stand. I think it's how she chooses to involve herself in everyone else's issue, yet contributes absolutely nothing of value herself. Last week was a perfect example. She accompanies Jemmye to the Women's Shelter for Abused Women. Now, on the surface, she appears to just be supporting her friend. But she is always there, every time. It's getting ridiculous. She doesn't care about helping her friend as much as being the person who can say "I care. I need to be the one to go with you so this becomes a drama I can be a part of." I hate those people. Is there anything even remotely interesting about Ashlee? She isn't fun, isn't attractive, and doesn't shut up about things that don't concern her. Translation: She needs to hook up with a chick.

Looking forward to tonight's episode, let's hope Jemmye channels her inner Snookie tonight.

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