Monday, November 22, 2010

And now, the conclusion of.....A New Direction

Part 2

Perhaps for the only time in this blog's history, I will discuss Camilla. To be fair, this won't be as much about Camilla as it is about how she got shafted by the illogical strategy employed by the "veterans."

Camilla was from this odd Spring-Break themed mini season of the Challenge. I don't really know what the point of that was. All I remember was seeing Kenny and Rachel on MTV and thinking they got jobs as VJ's (which would have made sense for Kenny, not so much Rachel). Camilla was the rookie so naturally she was going to be sent into the Gulag every single time, no matter how good she performed. While I don't agree with the logic of sending in your young, strong teammates, it is what is. However, when Brad is telling you you are going in because you have to "prove yourself," I don't know, it seems a bit disingenuous.

Now Camilla did not appreciate this logic, especially when she kept getting sent in and coming back. For some reason, the Red Team did not appreciate her canoodling with Johnny "Domestic Violence." They felt she was forming an alliance with him. Um, what? How could she possibly form an alliance with Johnny, who was not on her team and had no power to keep her out of a Gulag? The odd thing was not that Brad came up with this awesome display of logic, but that the rest of the team bought into it's rationale. Normally, when such things occur, I go off on how it doesn't make any sense. But I've resigned to simply sigh and shake my head now. It saves me a lot of aggravation.

One thing I still can't overlook, though, is how Camilla just took it in front of her team when they were just laying into her. To others, she was understandably angry. But when Brad and Tori were saying how she was a weak performer and not trustworthy, she just took it. If that's me, here's what I have to say:

"Ok, team. I look around and I see a collection of players with 24 seasons between them and only 1 victory. It seems no one here has really ever "proven" themselves. You all talk a big game and act like real hard ass vets, but you all kind of suck on these challenges. Just think about that when you call me weak. I also think it's odd that you question my loyalty for hanging out with Johnny. Last I checked, he has no bearing on whether or not I can stay out of the Gulag or win the whole Challenge. I have an incentive to not throw challenges, mainly the $20,000 our team gets for winning. What would my incentive be for allying with Johnny? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by this logic from a group with a 1-23 record in challenges. Then you say I'm untrustworthy? But didn't I tell Brad that I voted for him, in essence being completely straightforward? So how about you cut the bullshit and say the real reason I'm going in. From being on two dozen challenges, you all became friends and decided that you wouldn't vote for one another and would send home teammates you didn't know. I could understand that, despite believing that is awful strategy. But instead you insult my intelligence to my face. Especially coming from Brad, who couldn't even spell at a fourth grade level, that is crazy. So go ahead and send me in. I knew I probably wasn't making the finals regardless. But before I go, I want to share this fact with you. I'm barely in my twenties and probably won't do too many more of these. Brad, Paula, Tyler? You're all near thirty and still doing this. Seriously, you all need to reevaluate things. At some point, MTV is going to stop calling, and then what? Nothing sadder than a 40 year old at a college bar. Peace, go Yankees!"

I was going to write more but that last paragraph says what I need to say. I just wish Camilla had said it instead of me. Alas. Looks like there is a two week break in the show. And then? C.......................................................T..................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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